Hello from Montreal
- One of the giant puppets at St-Jean Baptiste day 2011
- The day after my birthday I risked my life on the Goliath with a 52m initial drop and speeds up to 110km/h. You can see it in the background.
I’m a full-time Master’s student in the Educational Technology program at Concordia University in Montreal. I’m also the head teaching assistant for an Educational Communication course and an Editorial Assistant for the IEEE journal Transactions on Professional Communication.
Previously, I studied journalism at Carleton, law at Western, and practised business law in Ottawa for a number of years, specifically software licensing. During the dot-com boom, I drafted a lot of contracts and negotiated for start-ups with such giants as HP, IBM, Cisco, and Synopsys.
I am researching in the area of managing anxiety to improve performance. I am examining each level in education: design, presentation and learning.
I created YouTube videos out of an anxiety management course I designed for my HPT class. I’ve only got 2 out of the 4 videos up so far. Someone embedded the videos into an anxiety management website.
I also published a chapter from a literary novel in the Maple Tree Literary Supplement. The novel is finished but could use another round of polish:
I enjoy biking and spent time in a biking group with a former Tour de France racer.
I am taking ETEC522 for a number of reasons:
* I want to take a “big picture” course with real-world applications
* I want to experience a point of view external to my own university
* I want to have a university-level online experience
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jarvise 12:56 pm on September 6, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You definitely have a background that is rich in experience. I’m sure we will have a lot to learn from you. Your pics brought back some good childhood memories of La Ronde. I lived in Montreal for a few years during childhood, and experienced much trauma at La Ronde. 😉
mcquaid 3:47 pm on September 7, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Ah, Montreal, home of the best hockey team there is…
Salut, David. I’m always amazed at the people attracted by this program and what their experiences have been and currently are. I’m glad to have people here so different from myself.